Thursday, 24 October 2013

Anti-PC gone mad #4: Auckland and London

Len Brown pants down, John Palino don't know

Much has already been written on Auckland Mayor Len Brown's extra-marital affairs - maybe a bit too much. He's exercised a rather silly lapse of judgement - especially when it involves an employee close to the city council - and he's reached that age where he probably needs to buy himself a very fast car to channel his 'energies'.

At the same time, it seems those who have lobbed political grenades at Mayor Brown have found the hard way that grenades can bounce back in the faces of the lobbers. Whaleoil, the blogger who published the scandal, denies that the purpose of it was to destroy Brown's mayoral career. Brown's arch-rival John Palino admits to have met Brown's mistress, Bevan Chuang, but also denies his own involvement in the scandal.

To make things more interesting, one of Palino's more 'enthusiastic' campaign managers, Luigi Wewege, has been found out to be a Walter Mitty/John Davy type who was warned about by National Party sources as 'toxic'. One of these sources has gone in to bat for Chuang, who it emerges was cajoled into revealing the affair by Team Palino, and has strongly criticised Whaleoil for his dirty tricks tactics.

Meanwhile, in Britain...

From the New Statesman:

A response from Peter Kennard and Cat Phillips: Censorship is flourishing in our "public spaces"

Their Tony Blair "selfie" was recently banned from public display after advertisers refused to display the image. Here Peter Kennard and Cat Phillips speak out about the censorship of their work.